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BT : Unlimited is just that little more limited

Well - those people at Bt have just taken the "un" out of un-limited. Thanks pctuk for the heads up; My view? Shun BT and move onto a proper high speed isp : Blueyonder.

As pctuk says in his email, it is a cunning ploy (is it as cunning as a fox who is professor of cunning at cunning university - i hear you say) to shift its users from their "surf unlimited program" to their High (bah the irony) speed internet program.

"*** Planned changes to your internet service - please read! ***

High use of BTopenworld's unmetered internet access services affects our ability to provide the quality of internet network service you, and our other customers, expect. This is because, like most dial-up internet services, you share access to our bank of modems with other customers.

Changes, which are likely to affect you


We currently maintain the quality of our unmetered internet access service for the majority of customers by restricting daily usage under our current terms and conditions. However, some customers are now going online for long periods of time which makes it difficult to maintain quality at a reasonable price. We therefore intend to introduce a lower daily use limit - down from 16 hours to 12 hours in any given 24-hour period. This change will take effect from 5th June 2002.

We've noticed that you are making extensive use of the internet and unless your usage is likely to lessen in the future, you may be affected by this.

£90 credit with BTopenworld Broadband Home 500 Plug & Go


With this in mind, we feel that a high speed, 'always on' connection to the internet may better suit your needs. BTopenworld Broadband is designed as a fast, "always-on" connection to the internet without the need for a second line or to change your email address."

Are you a Bt user out raged by this price hike? Move onto blueyonder.

View: Bt Home

View: Blueyonder Cable Internet

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