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Chat Transcript: Installing WindowsXP

Following on from the chat earlier today, Microsoft have kindly sent us the transcript from the session. They would also like to thank you, our members for making it a very "busy" session ;)

    Q: What's your preferred method to actually deliver the images?

    A: Well, it depends upon your needs, generally. A lot of people will go with the simplicity of a CD image for large scale deployments, but in a recovery scenario they might use something like RIS. Remote installation Services allows easy deployment. File shares are also a common way, although I prefer a management tool like Ghost or Powerquest to aid the deployment.

    Q: How better is sysprep now than in W2K?

    A: The biggest changes made to sysprep since W2K are improving the ability to deploy a single image throughout by allowing for a single chipset. Also, bug fixes are nice. For instance, you don't have the master machine that won't shut down. Also, the interface is improved so you can use the GUI, etc....

Download the full transcript for all the Q & A's from the hour long session.

Download: Chat transcript: Installing WindowsXP

View: Chat : Installing WindowsXP - Building & Deploying an Image

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