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Chinese Gamers Circumvent Anti-Obsession Measures

In response to an addiction to computer games by Chinese gamers, that has caused some deaths in the past, China's government brought in a system to prevent gamers from playing for more than three hours at a time. It has now been discovered that some Chinese gamers have circumvented this measure, by creating multiple accounts in the game, in order to spend more time online than they are permitted.

The regulations forced companies who run games such as World of Warcraft to impose penalties on gamers who play for more than the allotted time limit. Almost half of the Chinese gamers welcomed this regulation, but a core 14% has admitted to creating multiple accounts to circumvent the limits.

The government is now looking to take a different approach to preventing gaming addiction, by enforcing laws banning minors from using internet cafes. Security guards have been appointed to monitor the cafes, and staff has also received additional training.

News source: Slashdot

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