The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 editions of Cities: Skylines have now completely caught up to the PC version when it comes to expansions, with Paradox Interactive today announcing the Campus expansion for the console edition. This addon landed only four months ago on the PC version.
This expansion lets players design and construct campuses of their own choosing, which can be a university, trade school, or a liberal arts college. It's up to the player to make these institutions desirable and attract more students, which in turn unlocks more buildings for use in their cities.
In addition to new policies, buildings, and achievements themed after the campus experience, the expansion also introduces a college sports aspect to the game. Players can build sports arenas - which can be for football, basketball, baseball, track & field, and swimming - and manage their own teams, coaches, jerseys, and more to win matches and take home prizes.
The Cities: Skylines - Campus expansion can now be purchased for $12.99 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Separately, Paradox is also offering a University City buildings and props pack for $4.99 and the new Radio Station Pack 3 for $7.99, which has the Deep Focus and Campus Rock stations.
Although both PC and console versions now have the exact same content, we will have to wait and see if any upcoming expansions to the popular city builder title will now arrive simultaneously on both platforms or head to PC first.