Destiny 2 was announced by Bungie last month, unveiling plenty of information regarding the game as well as a Battle.net exclusive PC version. However what went unannounced was the PC version's release date, which left fans wondering if it will receive a delayed launch.
The developer has now confirmed that this will indeed be the case, with the PC version of Destiny 2 arriving on October 24, a month and a half after the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions' September 6 release date.
Fans won't have to wait that long to get their hands on the game, however, as Bungie is hosting a console beta starting July 18 on PlayStation 4, and July 19 on Xbox One, available for anyone who pre-orders the game. The game will then go into a console open beta on July 21, with it concluding on July 23.
The PC version is also on track to receive a beta, but it does not have a definite date attached to it just yet, with the developer only saying the beta is planned for late August, with more details arriving later.
Destiny 2 also made an appearance at Sony's E3 presentation, where Bungie announced that the PlayStation 4 version of the game will receive some timed exclusive content. The studio showcased a brand new story trailer focused on the game's villain Dominus Ghaul at the event as well, seen above.
Source: Activision
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