During today's BlizzCon 2023 opening ceremony, Blizzard announced some new content coming to its action-RPG Diablo IV. The big news was the reveal of the title, and some info, on the game's first paid expansion pack, Vessel of Hatred.
The reveal was accompanied by a short teaser trailer that showed a jungle environment with some large structures at the very end of the clip. In a post on the game's official site, Blizzard stated:
Vessel of Hatred continues the grim tale that began in Diablo IV, as you learn the fate of the prime evil Mephisto and his demonic plans for Sanctuary. To do that, you’ll be visiting a region new to Diablo IV, known by the locals as Nahantu. With this continuation of the campaign’s story comes new ways to play, new evils to vanquish, and a brand-new Class never before seen in the Diablo universe.
Vessel of Hatred will launch sometime in late 2024, and Blizzard will reveal more details about the expansion in the summer of 2024.
Blizzard also revealed what's coming up in the immediate future for Diablo IV, which is in the middle of its Season 2 event. Blizzard said that next week it will add five "Unique, class-specific Rings that will let you tap into powers from Season of the Malignant." On December 5 a new six week, end game event, Abattoir of Zir, will be included as well.
On December 12, the game will launch Midwinter Blight, a holiday event that will last three weeks. Blizzard stated:
Trudge through the snow-laden, winter terror-land of Fractured Peaks, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a mysterious, red-cloaked terror!
Blizzard also revealed that the upcoming Season 3 of Diablo IV will bring a new weekly worldwide competitive challenge called The Gauntlet. Blizzard stated:
At the end of each week, the combatants with the highest rank will have their name cemented in the Seasonal Hall of the Ancients for all of time.
Finally, a Diablo tabletop role playing game will launch in 2024 from Glass Cannon, which will launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund it in the near future.
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