Some people love them. Some people hate them. But one thing is for sure: they are not going away anytime soon. As soon as we hit the floor at the Los Angeles Convention Center when E3 2011 opened to its attendess, the booth babes were there. They were giving out flyers or buttons or dancing around or just standing in their outfits. Some of them were fairly standard fare but some were on the wild side.
Many of the booth models we saw today at E3 were very much into their characters. They stood around and looked at you with their big (fake) guns. All of them were happy to have pictures taken of them, either by themselves or surrounded by attendees. THQ's booth has always had more booth models than most and this year's E3 exhibit was no exception. Models were promoting WWE games while others were promoting UFC Trainer. A couple were promoting THQ's Twitter page, believe it or not.
Other models were promoting the hit MMO game World of Tanks in cute female soldier WWII outfits. Other various fantasy characters were parading around the convention center floor. All in all it looks like E3 2011 won't be the year where the booth babe will start to lose its shine.
We took as many pictures of booth models at E3 as we could in between running to various meetings and presentations. Here is the first gallery and you can expect more to be posted in the coming days. Enjoy while we check out some actual games that we will report on later tonight.
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