At the two year anniversary of the CAN-SPAM act, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission announced legal actions against spammers, including joint operations with state attorneys general and the Canadian government. On Tuesday, the FTC said it filed complaints against three spam operations accused of violating CAN-SPAM, and said Canada's, Competition Bureau and Attorneys General in Florida, North Carolina and Texas took action against or settled cases against five others.
Legal actions such as those announced Tuesday, coupled with new "best practices" mandated by CAN-SPAM have reduced the amount of spam Internet users receive, according to an FTC report on the act released Tuesday. However, spam experts say that the law has had a negligible affect on the overall amount of spam, and that greater international cooperation is needed to stamp out the problem. On the legal front, the FTC said it took action against three spam operations that it accused of violating CAN-SPAM provisions.
News source: eWeek