It is time once again for another Games with Gold drop. Sticking to the schedule it announced last month, Microsoft has made the second game of the November bonus titles free to Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members. As Xbox 360 games were removed from the promotion recently, this wave carries only one Xbox One title, that being Dead End Job.
Released in 2019 and developed by Ant Workshop, Dead End Job is a procedurally generated twin-stick shooter where players will be exorcising various buildings using plasma blasters and supernatural items. Local couch co-op is available for up to two-players too. The title normally costs $16.99 to purchase.
Thanks to the backward compatibility feature, Xbox Series X|S owners can also natively play this Xbox One game after claiming it for no extra cost.
To grab this latest offer, use the direct store link below while being logged into a Gold-active Microsoft account:
Dead End Job: Available November 16 to December 15

You take on the role of Hector Plasm, a worker at Ghoul-B-Gone – ‘the Number One experts in paranormal pest control’ – as you’re tasked with heading to haunted offices, restaurants, and other everyday buildings before freeing them of unwanted guests. Have you got what it takes to be the best at putting pests to rest?
The first Games with Gold drop of November, Praetorians - HD Remaster, is still available for Gold members to claim too. Its own promotion is set to end on November 30 to make way for the first December Gold title, which is yet to be announced. As usual, Games with Gold Xbox One titles are only playable while the account has an active subscription to either Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.