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German Gears of War Canned

Sorry to say but the German censorship police have nuked another one. Indeed, Gears of War will not be coming out in Germany now. Microsoft had considered recutting the game, but found it would make it incompatible with other international versions over Xbox Live, so they just decided to scrap it completely.  As many of you know, German laws are very, very strict when it comes to games, and media in general. I don't think they can even show red blood in games in Germany (someone let me know if I'm wrong there) and had to change Unreal Tournament's characters into robots spewing oil to get a rating when that came out in 1999.
Since I'm not sure how things work in Germany, I won't suggest a way around this. But according to Voodoo Extreme a store in Germany can still carry the UK (or even US) version of the game and you can simply ask a cashier for it, and they will then put it in an unmarked paper bag to make you feel even more embarrassed about buying it. Awesome.
View: Original Story @ Voodoo Extreme
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