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Half-Life 2 / Source Mod FAQ

This FAQ is a collection of official answers and information collected from interviews and email requests. When there is a discrepancy between information you've seen elsewhere and here, assume that this FAQ is correct.

Can I have the HL2 SDK now?

Not yet. We are working on it now and will release it as soon as we think it is ready for public use. We understand that there is a great deal of anticipation from the community, and we want to put the necessary time and resources into the SDK so it is done right. We are not distributing the SDK prior to its general public release.

What language will the Source SDK be in?

The Source SDK will be similar to the existing Half-Life SDK in that it will be C++ based, not using a proprietary scripting language. Programmers familiar with the Half-Life SDK source code will be comfortable immediately with the Half-Life 2 SDK source code.

News source: VERC Collective

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