The next Operation content update for 343 Industries's sci-fi shooter Halo: Infinite is called Operation: FleetCom. It's now due for release until next Tuesday, July 30. However, the game's Steam page has revealed some early info on FleetCom.
The update will bring back a gameplay mode that made its initial debut in Halo 3 many years ago. It's the VIP mode and its basic set up has two teams of four players each. One of the team members is designated as the "VIP" and it has some extra health. The other team members have to protect the VIP while also hunting down the opposing team's VIP to take them out. Each VIP kill counts as one point in the match, and the match is over when the first team gets 10 points.
343 Industries states:
If your VIP dies, the next player on your team to die takes up the mantle and becomes the team VIP when they respawn. You will be identifiable to the other team by virtue of effects (similar to Infection) and a nav marker above your head (so no, you cannot become the VIP and then hide the whole match to save your points!).
The VIP mode will be added to Halo: Infinite's matchmaking on July 30. However, the mode will also be available in both Forge and Custom Games. That means players will be able to customize the mode even more. Forge editor users will also be able to access the tool's mode creator and check out multiple new nodes they can use to create their own sub-variant of the VIP mode.
343 Industries will also release some new sandbox and Forge updates with Operation: FleetCom that will be revealed later, and it will also have some unnamed Quality of Life updates as well. Finally, the developer is teasing that midway through the FleetCo update, players will be able to check out another game mode that will return; the fan-favorite Headhunter. Details about that mode will also be revealed at a later date.
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