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Impending Microsoft move into corp IM market

After the end of its court case in the US, and hot on the heels of the recently announced Enterprise AIM Services, Microsoft readies itself for a push into the same arena.

Microsoft on Wednesday is expected to unveil a new instant messaging service aimed at corporate customers, jump-starting belated efforts by the software giant to tap a fast-growing, new market for the hugely popular technology.

According to sources familiar with the product the product, MSN Messenger Connect for Enterprises will add security, archiving and other message-management features sought by companies that are beginning to warm to the idea of allowing employees to conduct business over instant messaging (IM) networks.

Wednesday's release could act as a placeholder for the company while it puts the finishing touches on a more ambitious plan to develop corporate IM server technology. That product, code-named Greenwich, is still six months or more away from release.

"Maybe it's just a stopgap measure for the next eight months until Greenwich actually comes out," Directions on Microsoft analyst Matt Rosoff said.

Hmmm, "stopgap", "rushed" or "half-baked", time with tell.

View: Microsoft to launch corporate IM

News source: c|net

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