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Intel, Microsoft, HP alliance gears up for action

Anti-digital restrictions lobby group now includes Business Software Alliance.

The biggest tech companies in the world are far from happy with a Hollywood backed campaign to further restrict the ability of people to use CDs and DVDs on IT devices, in a bill being backed by US political figures including senators Ernest Hollings and Howard Berman.

Last year Senator Hollings introduced a bill to make the high tech firms agree on a standard to prevent digital piracy, and today the Mercury News reports that the Business Software Alliance and another hi-tech trade group, the Comptuer Systems Policy Project, will join together to lobby Washington over the proposed bill.

The article appears to suggest that the high tech alliance has far more chance of overturning the proposals, despite opposition from the Motion Picture Association of America and friends in the different houses.

It looks as though the hi-tech firms have realised that the people who buy their kit are not very happy with any Hollings-like proposals. Needless to say, the hi-tech firms also have their friends in Washington DC. (Ed: Thankfully :))

News source: The Inq

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