As a result of not very fast adoption rate of dual-core processors by new software that still does not take much advantage over the dual-core chips, as well as increased complexity of quad-core processors, the ramp up of quad core-chips will be slow in the first year of introduction, but will pick up later, when the infrastructure and new fabrication technology are ready.
"The ramp of quad-core should be very slow through the first year of introduction, with a push as the company enters the manufacturing [process] transition [from 65nm to 45 nm]," said Jim McGregor, the author of the most recent Microprocessor Report from In-Stat. Mr. McGregor believes that Intel Corp. would be "less aggressive on the move to quad-core for the PC than it has been with the dual-core transition" and expects initial adoption in low-end servers and high-end desktops only.
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News source: Xbit Labs