Thanks LonghornXP2006. When you try to download a file with Internet Explorer from a Web server, you may receive the following error message:
"Internet Explorer cannot download FileName from WebServer."
This behavior occurs because the content disposition header for the file stream is greater than approximately 150 bytes and the Latin character set is equal to 150 characters. This behavior may occur if the content disposition header is formatted with a non-Latin character set, such as Japanese or Russian.
For example, a 17-character content disposition header in the Japanese character set is 153 bytes because the UTF-8 encoding scheme uses 9 bytes to represent a single Japanese character, but it uses only 1 byte in the Latin character set.
This update applies to Internet Explorer 6 SP1 with the following operating systems:
- Windows XP, XP SP1
- Windows 2000 SP2, 2000 SP3
- Windows 98SE, Me, NT4 SP6a
View: MSKB Article - 816868
News source: Microsoft Download Center