In news that is a surprise to absolutely no one, LulzSec have once again gone about their antics, this time bringing down using a distributed denial of service attack.
What is a little different to previous attacks, is the aftermath, as LulzSec then switched their attack to the company’s phone support lines. The tweet by LulzSec said “ representative just confirmed 200+ calls a minute to their customer support. Who's next for phone forwarding? >:] Hmm...”
The group did provide some explanation as to why they attacked the website in a tweet which noted that they [LulzSec] called and that they wouldn’t tell them how magnets worked. Soon after, they posted yet another tweet except this time their phone number which was a redirect to magnets customer service line. “You can create insane lulz by calling these numbers, wanna join in the phone DDoS?”
It was claimed that 5-20 people ring the LulzSec number every second and while LulzSec have the ability to redirect that to anywhere in the world, it still remains to be seen if it’ll ever be used for something besides a phone DDoS. It appears they have called Anonymous out too, when they later told Anonymous via Twitter that their LOIC hive ‘is no match for our phone redirect hive. A certain hosting company just got 1000+ calls.”
Yesterday, the group went on a DDoS rampage as they took down Minecraft, Escapist magazine and EVE online, who were just a few of the victims.
[Update] It appears that the group have now taken on their biggest challenge - the CIA and have suceeded in taking down the official website: The reason why was at first unknown, however speculation suggests that it was down to a twitterer by the name of Quadrapodacone who made it be known that he was unimpressed at LulzSec's actions because of the fact they took down "small-fry" targets. It's possible this course of action could have been a response to his tweet, however nothing is confirmed.
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