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Mavericks: Proving Grounds ups the ante with 1000-player battle royale

Let's face it: battle royale games are quite popular. Following the massive success of Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, many companies have started to jump on the bandwagon, including DICE with Battlefield V. Heck, we wouldn't be surprised if EA announces a battle royale mode for FIFA 19 too.

Now it appears that players have another game in the genre to look forward to. Mavericks: Proving Grounds is upping the ante with a 1000-player battle royale mode which features squads of five competing against each other. To be clear, there is a relatively smaller 400-player mode too, and it supports both solo and squad modes.

Mavericks also sports a massive 16x16km map, however, with 1000 players spread across it, players are sure to encounter each other with ease. Furthermore, it also contains destructible environments, with forests being set ablaze, as you can see for yourself in the trailer below:

Mavericks: Proving Grounds is supposed to get a free closed beta in August 2018, and the game is slated for a launch next year.

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