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Microsoft 365 Roadmap Weekly: New Lists features in Sharepoint are coming soon

Welcome back to our weekly look at what was added to the Microsoft 365 Roadmap website over the past seven days. This week, the site has quite a few new additions for the List apps in Sharepoint that will be coming in the next few weeks and months.

In September. the Roadmap site says the Lists app will add a new notification:

Lists forms users can subscribe to be notified of new responses on their forms. By default, this would be toggled off, but a form collaborator can toggle on and receive an email notification for every new response on that form after.

Another feature that's due in September will add a scheduling feature to Lists:

List form owners and collaborators can schedule specific dates and times to start and stop accepting responses. The form will be active during the designated period and will automatically stop accepting responses once the scheduled end time is reached.

In November, Microsoft will add an attachment feature to Lists:

Users will be able to add attachment fields to enhance their list forms. This feature allows users to upload files directly to the form, providing additional context or necessary documentation.

Also in November, Lists will include a new way to add branching to forms:

Microsoft Lists forms will enable users to create dynamic forms featuring branching and conditional logic. This update allows users to customize their forms to display relevant questions based on conditions applied to previous responses, empowering them to design smarter forms that adapt to their data collection needs.

In non-Lists posts on the Roadmap site, Microsoft has confirmed that it plans to add the Intelligent Recap feature in Microsoft Teams for its Government Community Cloud High (GCC-H) customers in September.

That's it for this week's look back at the Microsoft 365 Roadmap. Come back again next Sunday to see what the site added in the next seven days.

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