Today, Microsoft once again announced some improvements to its Mixer game streaming service. The changes have to do with clips, including who can create them, how they can be edited, and so on.
For one thing, Mixer Partners will be able to control who can make clips of their gameplay. They'll be able to set it so that everyone can make clips, or they'll be able to set it so that you have to have a certain Channel Progression Rank. The ranks are based on things like how often you've interacted with a channel, how long you've watched, and so on.
The other improvement is batter previewing and trimming of clips. Whenever someone creates a clip, they'll be able to trim it down to a portion that's between 15 and 60 seconds, and then they'll be able to preview it before they publish it.
These new features are available beginning today. To get it, you have to click on the new clips icon, which oddly, will sit right next to the old icon. Microsoft says that using both icons is temporary, until the new system is fully rolled out.