At Ignite 2024, Microsoft today announced Azure Local, a new hybrid infrastructure solution enabled by Azure Arc. Azure Local is replacing Azure Stack HCI, which allows enterprise customers to deploy and manage virtual machines and containers at the edge with cloud-native HCI infrastructure.
All existing Azure Stack HCI customers will be automatically upgraded to Azure Local for free. Microsoft mentioned that Azure Local will offer much broader capabilities than what Azure Stack HCI is already offering today. Azure Local will have features like customizable cloud-based operations and security, support for both cloud-native and traditional apps with Azure Virtual Desktop integration, and more.
As expected, Microsoft is partnering with OEMs, including Dell, HP, and Lenovo, to offer pre-validated hardware integrated with cloud-based services to deploy Azure Local. Additionally, Azure Local will support various types of infrastructure, including PCs, enterprise-class server deployments, and even disconnected scenarios to support regulatory and compliance requirements. To improve security for end customers, Azure Local will feature improved default security settings to protect data. Microsoft will also support GPU-enabled servers for AI inferencing.
In addition to Azure Local, Microsoft highlighted that Windows Server Software Assurance or active subscription customers can access Azure management tools like Azure Update Manager, Azure Policy Guest Configuration, Disaster Recovery, Change Tracking and Inventory, and more for free.
Since Azure Stack HCI is being replaced by Azure Local, Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI has been renamed Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Local. Microsoft confirmed that there are no changes to the existing features and pricing due to this branding change.
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