Many big-name tech companies such as Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Netflix have united to form the "Alliance for Open Media", which aims to build an open-source media format to provide high quality audio, imagery, streaming and video, across the globe to people using any kind of device.

The Alliance's initial objectives to create the next-generation video format are as follows:
- Inter-operable and open
- Optimized for the web
- Scalable to any modern device at any bandwidth
- Designed with a low computational footprint and optimized for hardware
- Capable of consistent, highest-quality, real-time video delivery
- Flexible for both commercial and non-commercial content, including user-generated content.
With the help of contributors, the project will aim to create a royalty-free video codec, which will also include content encryption and adaptive streaming. Gabe Frost, the Alliance for Open Media’s Executive Director says:
Customer expectations for media delivery continue to grow, and fulfilling their expectations requires the concerted energy of the entire ecosystem. The Alliance for Open Media brings together the leading experts in the entire video stack to work together in pursuit of open, royalty-free and inter-operable solutions for the next generation of video delivery.
Other companies from supporting companies are also included in the statement, which claim that the respective companies such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco and Intel Corporation are "pleased" to be a founding member of the Alliance for Open Media, and that all of them hope to "create new technologies that will help bring better media experiences to billions of customers and their devices."
Source: Alliance for Open Media via Tech.FirstPost
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