When you share a Word document, you are asked to choose what the receivers can do with your documents. You can let them either edit or only view the document you are sending. This is now changing, as Microsoft has announced a new Review mode for Word intending to let us users share documents with others explicitly for the purpose of reviewing them.
People who are asked to review a document do not have edit permissions and are not necessarily full contributors. Instead, they are supposed to only review and pass on their valuable feedback if they have any to make a piece of writing more meaningful. Full contributors, on the other hand, are the owners and can make changes to the document as they deem necessary. The new Review mode in Word "allows you to share documents with others based on their role in the development of the document."

To ensure that document owners or collaborators with edit permissions do not get distracted by the changes suggested, Microsoft Word has a "Simple markup view" option. This capability simply keeps suggestions from the document reviewers on the periphery, allowing you to focus on the document while still being aware that there are suggestions present.
It is really easy to assign someone with the task of reviewing a document in Word. All you have to do is click on the Share button, add the people you want to share the document with, and then select the Can review option. You can also access this option under Other settings in the Link settings dialog box.
The new Review mode is currently rolling out to all Word for the web users. It will soon be rolled out to the Beta Channel, Current Channel (Preview), and Current Channel users in Word for Windows and Word for Mac.
Source: Microsoft