It's that time of the year again, when Microsoft is releasing its earnings report for the fourth quarter of its 2018 fiscal year, or the second quarter of the calendar year. The company reported $30.085 billion in revenue, a 17% increase over the same quarter's $25.605 billion from last year. Broken down into Microsoft's three segments, Productivity and Business Processes made $9.7 billion, Intelligent Cloud made $9.6 billion, and More Personal Computing made $10.8 billion, seeing 13%, 23%, and 17% growth, respectively.
LinkedIn had a pretty good quarter, as it's lost the least amount of money yet at $182 million. Excluding amortization of intangible assets, it made $196 million. Revenue grew by 37% (34% CC).
Productivity and Business Processes grew 13% (10% CC), with Office commercial aproducts growing by 10% (8% CC). Office commercial as a whole grew 38% (35% CC), which is driven by the Office 365 seat growth of 29%. Non-cloud Office commercial products declined by 19% (20% CC). Dynamics 365 revenue grew by 61% (56% CC), and all Dynamics products and services grew by 11% (8% CC).
Office 365 consumer costumers grew to 31.4 million, and Office products and cloud services revenue grew by 8% (6% CC).
Intelligent Cloud grew by 23% (20% CC), making it the fastest growing chunk of Microsoft's business, once again. Azure grew by 89% (85% CC), Server products grew by 8% (6% CC), Enterprise Mobility install base grew by 55% to 82 million, and server products and cloud services grew by 26% (24% CC).
More Personal Computing had a big quarter, growing by 17% (16% CC), and that's all driven by Windows, gaming, Surface, and search. Windows OEM Pro revenue grew by 14% (14% CC), and non-Pro declined 3% (3% CC). Windows commercial products and cloud services revenue grew by 23% (19% CC).
Surface revenue grew by a huge 25% (21% CC), with Microsoft saying that the latest editions are performing strong over a weaker quarter a year ago. Remember, Surface Pro and Laptop arrived late in Q4 FY17.
Microsoft's investment in gaming seems to be paying off, as gaming revenue increased by 39% (38% CC), with Xbox services revenue growing 36% (35% CC). Xbox Live now has 57 million monthly active users, an increase of 8%, and that includes all platforms.
Finally, search revenue grew by 17% (16% CC), excluding acquisition costs.
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