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Microsoft releases new Windows Terminal updates with fixes and Mark Mode improvements

Windows Terminal Preview icon

Microsoft has released two updates for Windows Terminal. One is available in the stable channel, and the other is offered for users testing preview versions. Today's release is a rather minor one, with both versions focusing on bug fixes and various quality improvements.

Here is what is new in Windows Terminal 1.22.10731.0:

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved a source of deadlocks on console session handoff
  • The Japanese names for Split Tab and Rename Tab have been improved


  • ConPTY will now tear down properly if you close its pipes while it is starting up
  • ConPTY will no longer hang on startup if you do not provide a well-formed response to DA1

And here is what is new in Windows Terminal 1.23.10732.0 pre-release:


  • You can now Tab and Shift+Tab between embedded hyperlinks in Mark Mode

Bug Fixes

  • Hyperlink underlines and mouse reports will no longer be off by up to one entire cell
  • Terminal should crash a lot less when you close tabs quickly
  • We've resolved a source of deadlocks on console session handoff
  • The About dialog should act less strange when you open it in multiple windows
  • Closing the first tab will once again result in its resources being released
  • We've fixed some graphical issues with the new icon and color pickers in Appearance settings
  • Tearing off a tab will no longer result in its panes disappearing (lol)
  • We will now properly save your session when you close the final window
  • ... we will also no longer try to save empty windows when you close them
  • The Japanese names for Split Tab and Rename Tab have been improved
  • Debugging Terminal (and conhost) will now produce a lot fewer spurious errors


  • ConPTY will now tear down properly if you close its pipes while it is starting up
  • ConPTY will no longer hang on startup if you do not provide a well-formed response to DA1

You can download both Windows Terminal and Windows Terminal Preview from GitHub, or the Microsoft Store.

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