To celebrate the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft threw a huge party on its campus that included a parade, a concert by Macklemore and a bunch of other festivities too. The company was also offering up its narwhal and t-rex t-shirts.

This type of a celebration should not come as a surprise as the company typically celebrates major release with a party. One of the more memorable celebrations, that subsequently backfired, was when they launched Windows Phone and the company held a funeral for the iPhone.
Windows 10 is a huge release for the company and early indications are that consumers are warming up quickly to the OS. The free upgrade offer certainly makes it easy for consumers to move to the new OS and the fact that reviews have been positive too is helping out as well.

The celebration on campus of Windows 10 release, even though it was a bit late, is a small reward for the thousands of employees who built the OS and surely put in long hours late into the night the weeks leading up to release.
These types of events are one of the many perks Microsoft (and other tech companies) offer to help attract and retain talent; Microsoft also recently announced that they are increasing their maternity and paternity leave benefits. The old saying goes, "work hard, play harder" and it's clear that Microsoft's managment believes in this philosophy too.
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