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Microsoft Turns To Developers To Name Longhorn Technologies

Microsoft is turning to developers for ideas on what to call the current Longhorn Technologies when they're shipped. Developers who are part of the "Longhorn Developer Platform" on Betaplace have been given the opportunity to fill out a short survey on naming Avalon/XAML/WinFS/Indigo and ClickOnce. These technologies are all core to the Microsoft codename Longhorn operating system. The options are as follows:


Windows Presentation Subsystem/Services | Windows Graphics Subsystem/Services | Windows User eXperience Subsystem/Services

eXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML)

Windows Markup Language | Windows Declaritive Language | Windows Design Language


Windows Storage Subsystem/Services/Management Services | Windows Data Subsystem/Services/Management Services | Windows Information Subsystem/Services/Management Services | Windows File System


Windows Communication Subystem/Services | Windows Network Subsystem/Services


Windows Deployment Subsystem/Services | Windows Distribution Subsystem/Services

Each survey answer also includes the following options - Keep it codename, Other, I don't care and I haven't used this enough to form an opinion. It will be interesting to see the results of this survey.

News source: BetaPlace

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