Crackdown 3 is an upcoming Microsoft-exclusive title that has been consistently delayed since it was revealed back at E3 2014. While the latest release date is February 2019, one has to be a bit cautious regarding their expectations, particularly considering the title's track record.
Now, a Microsoft executive has put, what some may consider, a positive spin on the latest delay, saying that the company has more than enough AAA content this holiday season, so it doesn't need Crackdown 3 at all this year.

In an interview with, Xbox executive Aaron Greenberg stated that the company has enough third-party AAA content packed this holiday season, and it didn't want Crackdown 3's potential sales to be affected by it. He went on to say that:
We're going to get it (Forza Horizon 4) out early (October 2nd) and before the blast radius. Then we didn't need Crackdown or any of our titles in this holiday window. We're planning to launch that in February, and then after that we will launch Ori and the Will of the Wisps. We like to have a steady cadence of content throughout the year. But there is more than enough content this holiday. That's why we're working with so many third-party partners to showcase their games and help drive our platform during that window. I can't think of a holiday that had more AAA games in such a tight time period.
While the decision to not release Crackdown 3 this holiday season would look a little negative, particularly considering the recent criticism regarding Xbox' first-party offerings, it does make sense from a logical standpoint. With Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Battlefield V, Hitman 2, Just Cause 4, and Fallout 76 slated for release in the upcoming months, Crackdown 3 would have likely been dwarfed had it released this holiday season.
That said, Microsoft does hold a trump card in the shape of Forza Horizon 4, which follows the massively successful Forza Horizon 3 from last year. The company will certainly be banking on the title to win more fans (and money) with its release, while also silencing at least some criticism regarding its first-party offerings.
Source: via VG247
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