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MSN.com beta testing new homepage

Neowin member Jabb has posted some screenshots from the new version of MSN.com. Currently in testing for a 'select number of users', one can see a few things have changed so far.

MSN have mainly updated the look and feel of the page. Arguably something that can be dismissed as a minor change, one can easily see how it is quite important. MSN.com is the start page (by default) for many many people and thus a slick interface is key for Microsoft. The page appears to be a little more ad free than its current state, yet it is quite possible that Microsoft will add extra ads at a later date.

The search bar also appears to have been made a bit clearer (bold green highlights). Bearing in mind what we have said about this being the default page for many IE users, this can certainly be seen as a early and easy move for Microsoft to make in the 'search wars'; simple is key for users, and as Microsoft have proved so many times before, if it is there by default most people will use it. A strategy that will no doubt allow them to win over 'easy' customers from search giant Google.

View: MSN.com

Screenshot: One | Two

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