The competition
Last week, Axialis Software released IconWorkshop v5.0 - arguably the most powerful icon editor / manager for the Windows platform. How about a nice little contest involving some of the most powerful sites on the Internet? Here's the deal: you create five (or more) icons, upload them to your [free] DeviantArt account or your own personal webspace, and one of the five judges may pick it.
The panel
Chris from lockergnome, MattEO from DeviantArt, KarmaGirl from WinCustomize, Voodoo from Neowin, and Marc from Axialis. We'll each pick our favorite set.
The Prize
The winners will not only receive one copy of IconWorkshop Corporate Edition, but their icon sets will get bundled with a future version of the software! Ownership is retained by the original author, so don't hold back. Here's your chance at fame and fortune. Or, at least fame and free software.
The Competition Ends 31 July 2002. Please send your enteries to or reply in the thread dedicated to this competition
Good Luck.
View: Axialis Software
View: Neowin Icon Contest Forum Thread
Download: Axialis IconWorkshop 5.0 (30 day Trial)