Some errors
Howdy! You may of noticed that the site seemed a little screwed over the past 12 hours or so.. This was due to a temporary move onto another server while Hosttyme takes a look at our allocated dedicated box and its installation. We are suffering from various mySQL errors (as you have noticed from the various errors in the forums) these errors are now gone on this temporary location.
and I'm sure that there are other errors that people may of noticed, these all appear to be working.
Some more errors
Some people may of accessed the site earlier to see that no images were being displayed this is due to our .htaccess file limiting the use of images to the Neowin domain (our images get hotlinked from other sites frequently) The above IP has now been added to .htaccess, so images are also fixed.
Thanks Chris :) who quoted us on "Call for Help" last night on TechTV, he said that Neowin was the place to find TweakUI and he was correct.. use the "search" link above the news and type in "tweakui" you will get results for both win9x and winxp. You can do the same in the forums where it is also listed. We also have it listed in the freeware section for 9x/2000.
We should be back to normal very soon but for now we have been moved so Hosttyme can go about their merry way with the other server. Thanks everybody for your supportive emails notifying me of the site problems. Its appreciated.