Version 1.01 of News Interceptor is now available. This version corrects to a major problem of communication with our server which several users had with the preceding versions. A debug option was also added in order to find the problems more easily. Download and install this new version today.
News Interceptor is a utility running on Windows that allows you to stay current with all the latest news very easily! You no longer need to visits tens of Web sites searching for news; News Interceptor brings the news to you!
Its unique system will make it one of the few applications you will ever want to always run on your computer!
Here is some of the features you can find in News Interceptor:
- Very easy to use;
- Read a complete news is as easy as clicking its title;
- Select only your favorite news sites from a growing list (a comment window allow you to submit your favortie sites if there are not in the list);
- A popup window appears when news are received;
- News Interceptor minimizes into the System Tray (near the clock on the Windows bar) to be always available without taking too much space;
- Your sites preferences are saved on our servers, allowing you to connect from home or from work using the same account;
- More general and advanced configurations available in the Customize window;
- Open your sessions in a similar way to Microsoft Messenger, making it easy for you to adapt to our software;
- A Connection Wizard helps you to get started using News Interceptor by following simple steps;
- Your News Interceptor account is created by only providing a valid email address and a password;
- A live update system is included in the software, allowing you to install the new versions of News Interceptor with the click of a button;
- News Interceptor almost doesn't require any system resources (low memory, very low CPU time);
- An Internet connection must be open to use News Interceptor, but our software has very low bandwidth needs;
- Save yourself the tens of hours of surfing on your favorite Web sites you used to do every weeks and let News Interceptor do all the work!

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