Thanks Jon for sending this in.
One of my favorite News grabber softwares has hit a milestone build in it 4.0 beta cycle, this can be considered Pre-Release quality.
- Now includes an installer
- Failed Files List is now column sort-able.
- Fixed problem where Poster Lockouts could not be deleted permanently.
- Made performance improvements in header download
- Fixed situation where NewsBin would get stuck if a server holding parts of a multi-part post is disabled after the post's already in the process of downloading
- Fixed erroneous message tag for files already on disk as "Filename
- Fixed esoteric crash that occurred if you highlighted something in the status messages tab and then went into Posts/Properties.
- Fixed problem when selecting Force Download, there was no way to get it back out of the queue if you changed your mind.
- Option to view subject by filename (warning, slows scrolling through the post list down considerably if you have 10,000+ headers to go through).
- Fixed crash on startup problems on really really fast machines (2GHz).
- Fixed problem with Global Search finding posts that don't exist on the server anymore.
- Cleaned up posting function problems (Quade wanted to remove this functionality alltogether but it seems to be working ok now).
- Fixed crash problem when installing 4.0 on a machine running 3.22.
- Subject filter was not being applied when a new group is loaded with ctrl-L
- Removed Force Authentication as an option and always try to authenticate if
a username/password exists. Was causing too much pain for Earthlink users
and we found that Outlook does it this way anyway. Doesn't follow the NNTP
spec but sometimes you have to just go with the flow.
- Very long filenames were getting trashed in the download status bar.
- Downloading groups was not honoring the user defined server order. Groups are now downloaded off the top server in the list if multiple servers exist.
- Fixed problem that occurred if you reduce the number of active connections on the fly, sometimes NewsBin would lose track of a download in the download list.
- Fixed crash when downloading groups.
- Fixed problem where double-click on a group or hitting "Start" the first time would not start a download. Second time would work.
- Read Post Body function was leaving connections open.

View: Newsbin website
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