Four months after Firaxis added Persia and Macedon playable civilizations to Civilization VI, the developer has now announced another new civ, Nubia, ruled by the queen, Amanitore, seen in the trailer above.
Nubia's unique ability is Ta-Seti, which provides players with bonus production when producing ranged units, along with additional experience for them in combat. Moreover, building mines over strategic resources gives extra production, while mines built over luxury resources provides extra gold. Amanitore's leader ability is Kandake of Meroe, which contributes a production bonus towards building districts, as well as additional production if there is a Nubian Pyramid built next to the city center.

Speaking of the Nubian Pyramids, they are Nubia's unique tile improvement, providing faith and other useful bonuses depending on what districts are built adjacent to them. Although highly lucrative, the Nubian Pyramids can only be built on the desert, desert hills and flood plain tiles, so Nubian city placement may be somewhat tricky. Lastly, the civ's unique unit is the Pitati Archer, an ancient era unit that replaces the regular archer, and boasts extra travel distance and stronger attacks
Firaxis did not reveal pricing details or release date information for Nubia, but the civ will be free to all owners of the Civilization VI Digital Deluxe edition. In addition, considering that every previous release of a new civ coincided with a game update, it's likely to happen this time as well for whenever Nubia makes its entrance. For anyone interested in seeing it in action, Firaxis will be holding a livestream doing just that on its Twitch channel tomorrow, July 26 at 11am PT.
Source: Civilization (YouTube)
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