oh yea, heres another one, thanks Khujo for the heads up on this one, Toms Hardware has also taken a look at the GeForce 4 chipset on what we can safely call GeForce4 day with this chipsets technology papers and reviews being released today we want to be on the forefront of what you can expect from this chipset from the sources that are being made available to us. Heres a blurb from their look at the chipset NVidia calls GeForce4:
The New Year has started and we knew it wouldn't take long until NVIDIA would launch their next chip. NVIDIA's arch enemy ATi had just managed to catch up with GeForce3 technology, so it was time for the Santa Clara based 'GPU'-developer to make another leap forward.
NVIDIA is lucky that in 3D graphics the situation is different to what we are lately seeing in the microprocessor arena. It has become increasingly difficult these days to justify the purchase of a new CPU, because processors that are even one year old are still well up for their job. Nobody really needs Intel's or AMD's 2+ Gigahertz monsters.
In 3D, things are better. If you look at today's 3D graphics you will see that there is still a lot of room for improvement. Now that 3D-hardware is able to display acceptable high-resolution 3D scenes at reasonable frame rates, we still would not possibly mistake them for movies of real people and objects.