Opera 7.60 Preview 2 has just been released for both Windows and Unix variants, thanks to Zkal for the heads up.
This release has quite many interface changes, including the startup menu, toolbars and menubars, something which has been commented on a lot both by Opera and users of other browsers. The voice recognition feature is now a separate download, which starts once you enable the feature within the browser, instead of coming pre-installed. Onto the changelog:
- Simplified first start-up dialog.
- Menus have undergone a significant simplification.
- Major changes have also been done to toolbars and button setup.
- "Block unwanted pop-ups" is now enabled by default.
- Option to simply press Enter in a http-auth dialogue to use the first stored Wand login has been restored.
- Possibility to use security password without reentering every time has been restored.
- Fixed issue with text selection for justified text.
- "Continue from last time" remembers fit-to-width setting.
- Several minor focus issues solved.
- Space + Shift when a forms button is focused should submit in the background.
- Added Alt + Backspace as shortcut for "undo".

View: Opera 7.6P2 Changelog for Windows | Linux, Solaris & FreeBSD
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