Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, has confirmed that before the end of the summer there will be a better way to keep an eye on and manage notifications within the app that you receive from all of your chats. In all likelihood, this means that a notification centre will be implemented in the app.
Mr Durov said that the feature would be implemented in the app before the end of the summer in response to a frustrated Twitter user who asked the CEO why there still wasn't a central hub for notifications within the app. Mr Durov empathised with the tweet, saying:
I know. We'll implement a solution that solves it before the end of this summer. You won't ever miss a mention/reply after that.
— Pavel Durov (@durov) 11 July 2017
The feature, hopefully, will be implemented fairly quickly with around two months left of summer. Despite this rough timeline, the notification centre has not made it into beta releases just yet and other details about the feature are still very thin on the ground.
Telegram made headlines again last month when it finally succumbed to the Russian telecom regulator which asked it to register and hand over basic information about the company. Pavel Durov during this period promised users that their private information would not be accessible by the authorities.