At long last PHP 5 Release Candidate 3 has been released. With any luck this will the final release till we get PHP 5!
This mostly bug fix release improves PHP 5's stability and irons out some of the remaining issues before PHP 5 can be deemed release quality. Everyone is now encouraged to start playing with it!
- Moved the PDFLib extension to PECL. (Wez)
- Added MySQL 4.1.2-alpha and 4.1.3-beta support to MySQLI extension. (Georg)
- Added support for dumping private/protected properties to var_dump(). (Andrey)
- Added count() support for COM arrays. (Wez)
- Added Firebird/InterBase UDF source that allows PHP functions to be called from SQL (Ard)
- Changed user error handler mechanism to relay to built-in error handler if it returns false. (Andrei)
- Changed class type hints for function parameters to not allow the passing of NULL values. (Andi)
- Changed tidy_node to tidyNode and removed tidy_exception. (John)
- Fixed ip2long() to return FALSE if an IP address passed to this function is not valid. (Derick)
- Fixed memory leak in memory manager. (Andi)

Download: PHP 5 Release Candidate 3
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