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Pit People is a hilariously random turn based game from the creators of Castle Crashers

There are games that are serious, others that are sad, some that are really out there, and then there is Pit People, a new turn based strategy game from The Behemoth Studios, known for their popular Castle Crashers game. The game is undeniably their work, with the Pit People bearing an obvious resemblance to their previous games. I had the opportunity to play it with arcade box to input all my unit commands, and a lever which I could satisfyingly pull down to execute my turn.

The art and animation of Pit People is great, and if you like turn based strategy/adventure games, you will be overall pleased with the game. It isn't the most exciting in long turns or large maps, but the game's saving grace is the story line. Pit People is a narrative heavy based game, and its story line is random, hilarious, and sometimes down right weird, but the reason behind why I would actually spend time to finish it. While the humor of the game is definitely tailored to an older audience, the controls are simple enough that younger children should be able play and enjoy.

So what do I mean by random. Giant bears crashing into planets, cupcake people, vampires, and a princess that eats all of Horatio's blueberries - all of them. The game will feature single player modes and like Castle Crashers, will also feature Co-op and 2v2 arena modes when you want your friends to join in on the fun.

Pit People is still in development, but The Behemoth will open up a beta through its website later this year. Like many of the games at the Xbox Spring Showcase, Pit People will also be coming to both Xbox One and Windows 10. Stay tuned for more information!

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