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Postal 3 Officially In Development!

Thanks to Firingsquad for the heads up.
Vince Desi, whom most of you have probably never heard of, is the head honcho over at Running With Scissors. He gave word yesterday that Running With Scissors along with Russian based Akella are now developing Postal 3. And Postal 3 will be running on Valve's Source engine, and will be available for both the PC and Xbox 360. Obviously they are extremely early in development, and Mr. Desi gave really no details about the game, other than that it will expand upon Postal 2's gameplay design and that Running With Scissors will take fans comments to heart and use them for Postal 3. Whatever that means. Either way, we won't see Postal 3 until 2008 at the earliest.
He also spoke of Postal products coming out this year. A music CD with songs "inspired" by the Postal games and a "Fudge Pack" which will include all the Postal games to date. This includes Postal 1 and 2 and of course and the expansion for Postal 2. The "Fudge Pack" will also include some new goodies as well.
I wonder if Gary Coleman will be available for this one?
View: Full Article @ Firingsquad
Link: Postal 2 Homepage (Contains icky content)
*Added the official Postal 3 link.
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