Thanks Phil for letting us know that his prog is ready to download and if you look closely one of Neowins members also contributed to the debugging!, Well done BroChaos
Fixes, Changes and Additions:
- fixed the "Access Violation" bug on Windows NT. Thanks a lot BroChaos for helping me tracking it down!
- fixed some memory leaks.
- added an option for cascading menus. This is pretty useful if you have a lot of items in your menu, and you don't want the menu to occupy the entire screen. The option to use cascading menus is available through the context menu (right click in the Quick Menu window). When cascading menus is enabled, you'll only see the categories when you activate Quick Menu. Moving the mouse over a category will pop up a new window with the applications in it.
- you can now supply a bottom margin for the skins. In the skin's .ini file, section "[numbers]", set margin_bottom to the value you want and that will be the distance between the base of the last label to the bottom edge of the Quick Menu window.
- added an option ("edit menu") in the context menu to launch the configuration tool with the current menu items file.
- the Quick Menu configuration tool now take one optional parameter - the name of a menu items file, which will be opened when qmconfig.exe is launched.
- now the hotkey and skin settings are written to the settings.ini file immediately when changed. In they weren't saved until you quit Quick Menu.
- Quick Menu now pops up so that the mouse cursor is in the center of the menu window. This can be a little bit annoying at first if you are used to the mouse being in the top left corner of the menu. (As in previous versions). When you get used to it, though, you'll probably feel it's for the better.
- Due to the support of cascading menus, the skin format has changed a bit again (sorry =/). In the "[category_font]" section there should now be "color_normal" and "color_active" values, and no "color" value. The color_active is only used when you have the mouse over a category and cscading menus are enabled. Also I've added an option to set the size of the category font. You change this setting with the "size" value in the "[category_font]" section.

View: Quick Menu Website
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