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Robocop Trial Version

Take the role of the all action hit character Alex Murphy, aka Robocop. Your mission is to uncover a sinister plot involving OCP, local gangsters dealing a deadly new synthetic drug and a powerfully maligned computerbrain cyborg known only as MIND. You'll have to capture, destroy or arrest hostile characters in a desperate search for clues and evidence, but remember above all: you must protect the innocent!


  • 9 extensive mission investigations in different universes: Bronx, City dump, warehouse, foundry, cathedral, MIND cache, offshore platform, MIND HQ, OCP Tower.

  • Interactive objects to be destroyed in the arenas (crates, barrels, windows...)

  • 6 different weapons (with 2 firing modes): Beretta, Automatic Rifle, Cobra Cannon (Gatling), Rocket Launcher, Plasma beam and Electrostatic beam.

  • Over 30 different generic enemies: human, robots and animals.

  • Numerous SFX: particles, smoke, explosions, water...

  • Three levels of difficulty.

  • Arrest mode: Robocop has the option to capture enemies.
Download: Robocop Trial Version

News source: Gamers Hell

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