In July, developer Rare announced that its upcoming content updates for Season 10 of its pirate-themed game Sea of Thieves would be delayed until October 19. This week, the developer announced some of the new features that will be added as part of Season 10, including a new way to play the game.
In a blog post, Rare stated that when Season 10 begins, Sea of Thieves players will be able to form their own in-game guilds. Rare states:
Offering a new way of playing together with your friends, player-created Guilds will allow up to 24 pirates to unify under a single banner. Guild members can sail on their friends’ pledged ships even when they’re offline, and work towards increasing the shared Guild Reputation to unlock a wealth of new rewards.
Later in Season 10, Rare will launch a new in-game competitive hunt called Skull of Siren Song. All the players on one server will be able to get the notification for when the hunt begins at the same time so they can all try to be the first to get the magical artifact.
Finally, as part of the plans for Season 10, Sea of Thieves will gain a new mode called Safer Seas. This will allow one player to check out the game on their own, or with a trusted group of friends, on their own private server, so they don't have to deal with other online players.
While this mode won't have all the content of the full game, including its multiplayer features, it will be a way for players to enjoy some content by themselves. It will also likely be a good way for new players to get used to the game's mechanics.
Before Season 10 begins, Sea of Thieves players will be able to check out the third and final episode in the Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island crossover on September 28.
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