Shareaza has unique features, including ghost ratings, a completely user-configurable queue area, and multinetwork support. The program started as a Gnutella client but recently branched out and developed Gnutella2, a completely open and documented network. Gnutella2 now has 50,000 users, and Shareaza supports the eDonkey network and BT. Shareaza's interface is easy to use yet powerful and fully skinnable. Shareaza's download core was built to provide optimum performance from any number of sources. Shareaza can manage your download queue automatically, or you can take charge and modify the status of files or even individual physical transfers and sources.
What's New:
- Downloading from Gnutella (G1) clients no longer causes text searches to be sent to ed2k servers (Mike)
- Searches left open will not be re-sent to an ed2k neighbour every 45 minutes. (MogTheCat)
- Magnet links with ed2k hashes no longer send text searches to ed2k servers. (MogTheCat)
- Version number sent to ed2k increased. (MogTheCat)
- The ed2k.RequeryDelay setting has been removed. (MogTheCat)

View: ChangeLog
Download: Shareaza Beta
News source: Shareaza Homepage