Shareaza is a Gnutella file sharing program, allowing you to find and share audio, video, images, books, software and more on the net's coolest peer-to-peer network. It supports the latest Gnutella Technologies, including Swarm Downloading, Upload Queuing, Partial File Sharing, Ultrapeers, Metadata, File Hashing, and more. The program offers an attractive, easy to use interface with customizable skins and modern menus and dialogs. Additional features include a file sharing library, download and connection monitor and much more. Very nice!
What's New:
- Downloading from Gnutella (G1) clients no longer causes text searches to be sent to ed2k servers (Mike)
- Searches left open will not be re-sent to an ed2k neighbour every 45 minutes. (MogTheCat)
- Magnet links with ed2k hashes no longer send text searches to ed2k servers. (MogTheCat)
- Version number sent to ed2k increased. (MogTheCat)
- The ed2k.RequeryDelay setting has been removed. (MogTheCat)
- Advanced option to enable/disable updating checking added. (MogTheCat)
- The Gnutella "max files" limit no longer includes ed2k results. (MogTheCat)
- Ed2k hits now have separate count, Ed2k "max hits" limit no longer includes Gnutella results. (MogTheCat)
- Security rules only accepts valid IP masks. (phuzi0n)
- Small optimisation in security code. (phuzi0n)

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