Snapchat has been introducing new features into its app in an attempt to distinguish itself from the pack. While there have been some wacky implementations of its augmented reality (AR) technology in the past, the firm is taking that technology and applying to something new by introducing Snappables.
Snappables are new Lenses that utilize touch, motion, and even facial expressions in order to allow users to play augmented reality games. The feature will be located where Lenses are normally found in the app.
You can play alone or invite friends to play with you - they will be able to challenge you to play for high scores or you can enjoy a collaborative effort with multiplayer games. There will be a few to start and new games will be released every single week.
In the past, Snapchat's AR Lenses have gone viral, allowing the platform to gain some notable attention. It will be interesting to see how these games will be received and whether they will be able to bolster user counts and more importantly, its ad revenue.
Source: Snap
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