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Sony could use OpenGL for PlayStation

The news site ITMedia has put two-and-two together and come up with the possibility that Sony's PlayStation 3 console will use the OpenGL API as a base for games development. Using a number of sources (including EETimes), ITMEdia found that Sony is one of 9 members of the Khronos Group consortium. This group actively promotes the use of open-standard, royalty free APIs such as the well known OpenGL. Both previous PlayStation consoles have used in-house APIs, which have been quite difficult for some developers to use (especially PS2). The move would make sense for a number of reasons:

  • OpenGL is a well established standard many developers are accustomed to using

  • It is free and easy to support and update

  • Since the Cell processor used at the heart of the PlayStation 3 is headed for a number of different peripherals, it makes sense to use OpenGL, which is already supported in a number of different guises and is easily portable to others.
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