SpamPal sits between your email program and your POP3/IMAP4 mailbox, checking your email as you retrieve it. Any email messages that SpamPal considers to be spam will be "tagged" with a special header; you simply configure your email client to filter anything with this header into a separate folder and your spam won't be mixed up with the rest of your email anymore!
- No longer reports "SPAMCOP DNSBL not found" error on start-up.
- Now uses scanf rather than atof to read in status window bar positions - should hopefully fix problems with locales that use a comma as a decimal separator.
- Default action for clicking on the tray icon is now to open the status window rather than do nothing
- IMAP4: "Can't append to folder" error was displaying folder name instead of error message; fixed.
- IMAP4: Could crash when faced with an entirely empty message body; fixed.
- IMAP4: Could crash when re-loading modified configuration during IMAP4 session; fixed.
- No longer unloads HtmlModify plugin during shutdown (as unloading HtmlModify can cause a severe delay under some circumstances, because it's linked with wininet.dll)
- Now outputs correct error dialog if it crashes during a DNSBL query thread.
Download: Spampal beta v1.538