You might recall that Spotify removed support for Safari back in 2017 out of the blue with no explanation. Users were taken aback when they could no longer play songs using Spotify's web player on Apple's web browser, with some speculating that this might have something to do with Google's Widevine content decryption module that's used by Spotify. The digital rights management technology was supposedly not supported by Apple due to security concerns.
Today, it appears that Spotify's web player has restored support for Safari. Some users took to Reddit to share the new development. Although there's no official announcement from either Spotify or Apple, Safari is now back on the list of browsers supported by the music streaming service. That means Safari fans can play their favorite songs using the browser by visiting Spotify's web player.
However, if you're still having trouble opening Spotify on Safari, you may perform a number of troubleshooting steps to get it working (via 9to5Mac). One option is to update your browser by checking for the latest version of Safari via its Help section. You can also launch the web player in incognito mode.
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