Stardock released DeskScapes 11 v1.0 today. DeskScapes adds a host of desktop background features to Windows, including animated wallpapers, advanced background customization, and much more. DeskScapes 11 adds a powerful design tool for creating animated wallpapers, as well as integration with the cloud for sharing and applying both animated and standard user-made wallpapers.
“The new version of DeskScapes is compelling both for animated and standard wallpapers,” said Brad Sams, Vice President of Stardock Software. “For fans of animated wallpapers, we include DreamMaker Pro, which is both powerful and easy to use for creating or enhancing desktop backgrounds. We also added seamless integration to cloud-based services for finding desktop backgrounds.”
DeskScapes 11 features a much more streamlined approach for users who love creating their own backgrounds, allowing them to build their ideal background right from within the app. There are dozens of customization options to choose from, plus users can combine as many effects as they want in order to create a truly custom look.
The new version of DeskScapes focuses on the user friendliness of the app above all, with popular Dream authors easily searchable from within the main menu and a new playlist feature that will allow users to create a list that plays through a sequence of backgrounds. The app has also been updated so that it runs more smoothly and uses less system resources.
And because images doesn't really do the app justice, here's an example animation (.mp4) and release trailer. You don't have to wait for Windows 12 to offer a similar feature natively, you can get it right now on Windows 10 and 11.
The included DreamMaker Pro tool is designed to make it easy to create animated backgrounds. It includes dozens of different effects, drawing tools, brushes, logos, particle effects, and much more. With DeskScapes 11, it has never been easier to create, organize, and enhance your desktop wallpaper for Windows 10 and Windows 11.
DeskScapes 11 is available now as a standalone app for $3.99, or through Stardock's Object Desktop suite of desktop enhancements. Object Desktop includes programs such as Fences, Start10 and Start11, Groupy, SoundPackager, and Multiplicity.
Disclaimer: Neowin's relationship to Stardock
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